Today, the LCI’s AdvantageVT Program concluded its first 100% online orientation for new international students.
These 13 students, preparing to start the summer semester, began their orientation earlier this week setting up their PID and passwords. They then went to Canvas to participate in the AdvantageVT Summer 2020 Orientation course.
In this course, students completed four Modules: My VT Account, Communication, Student Resources and Support, and Academics. Each module consisted of a video presentation and corresponding quiz, with questions relating to the module topic to ensure students understood the orientation information.
Students were to complete the orientation by May 20 and attend a mandatory live orientation via Zoom on May 21.
They were introduced to LCI and AdvantageVT staff. Prof Vanessa Ghaderi, who is this cohort’s academic advisor, discussed academic and conduct expectations for AdvantageVT students.
Students were invited to participate in areas of the orientation while getting a taste of what their classroom sessions will be like in a Zoom classroom. A Q&A followed, along with students introducing themselves to each other.
The students attended from various cities in China as well as Blacksburg and Washington, D.C. One dedicated student recently returned to China and attended from a hotel while in quarantine.
A similar session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 26 for our new Intensive English Program students. They have already begun their Canvas orientation course.
— Jana Moore